Episode 92 Thursday Live: Joe's Hollyhocks and the Tree of Life

Episode 92 Thursday Live: Joe's Hollyhocks and the Tree of Life


Apr 07, 2022
Bonnie Moore

Joe- your hollyhocks leap right off the rug! Very beautiful!

Apr 07, 2022
Pamela Maxfield-Ontko

Ohio painter Eric Barth

Lovely rug, Joe!!

Apr 07, 2022
Bonnie Moore

Nova Scotian artists who inspire me: Erin Hollingshead (EHollingsheadArt), Brianne Williams, and Jennifer Houghtaling (Earth and Vine Studio)-Check them out!

Apr 07, 2022
Debbie Harris

Sharon Townsend

Apr 07, 2022
Linda Smith

Teri Wing from Gananoque, Ontario.

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