Episode 92 Thursday Live: Joe's Hollyhocks and the Tree of Life

Episode 92 Thursday Live: Joe's Hollyhocks and the Tree of Life


Apr 07, 2022
Heather Godden


Would you recommend Design School for first year members of The Harbour?

(Or is The Harbour enough / all encompassing for now?)

Thank you :)

Apr 07, 2022
Bonnie Moore

Some trees are sacred in Celtic culture, particularly the oak, which this tree reminds me of.

Apr 07, 2022

Love your shirt

Apr 07, 2022
Donna Lockman

I bought the small village kit
And the colours in the mountains
Looks like some grey. Or some colours seem lighter the in the picture . Do I blend in colours like
Shading. Thank you I’m new

Apr 07, 2022

I got a message that you went off line

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