Episode 92 Thursday Live: Joe's Hollyhocks and the Tree of Life

Episode 92 Thursday Live: Joe's Hollyhocks and the Tree of Life


Apr 07, 2022
David Kish

Attn Joe: Your Hollyhock Rug is so beautiful. If you entered it in a show it would definitely be a winner! Congratulations to you and your daughter for being the recipient! It’s going to be the highlight of the room she places it in.

Apr 07, 2022
Becky Black

Joe, love the hollyhocks—they really pop and look 3 dimensional. An artist whose work I find fascinating from the DFW area is Rebecca Shewmaker. I have yet to see her stuff in person, but hope to some day.

Apr 07, 2022
Deanne Fitzpatrick

Donna, You can mix the grey greens , yes!
Thank you everyone for your inspirational artists!
And Yes. Design School is great for first year Harbour people!

Apr 07, 2022
Jean McBrine

While there are many artists in New Brunswick who have inspired me, you, Deanne are at the top the list. Each week is a booster shot to my ideas and hopes for hooking. Thank you. Jean

Apr 07, 2022
Tim Spicer

Blake Mills and Roy Evans, rug hookers at The Roost in York Harbour, Newfoundland. Roy got me ‘hooked’ to the art last September.

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