For Teachers

Teaching a rug hooking class in your community?

We offer a 15% discount on the supplies you need!

15% discount applies to Kits, Patterns, Books, Hooks & Tools, Frames & Scissors, Studio Dyed Yarns, and Wool Cloth. 

Minimum of 12 total items to qualify for discount. Discount applies only to items used for teaching classes.

Teaching a rug hooking class is a fantastic way to spur creativity in others and bring people together. Rug hooking classes are a wonderful group activity for people of all ages and skill levels. We are offering a 15% discount on the supplies you need to teach a great rug hooking class. We have created a wide-ranging discount to allow for lots of variety in classes - you can grab a few everything-in-the-box Beginner Kits and a handful of hoops and be off to the races, or you can decide on a specific pattern and choose your own studio dyed yarns and wool cloth, and anything in between.

To get your 15% discount code, please contact the studio at 1-800-328-7756 or send an email to