Episode 92 Thursday Live: Joe's Hollyhocks and the Tree of Life

Episode 92 Thursday Live: Joe's Hollyhocks and the Tree of Life


Apr 07, 2022
Marnie Dunbar

William Matthews is a painter in Lillooet, B.C. who has inspired me.
Millie McKenzie is an indigenous mosaic artist here who has also inspired me.
Saul Terry is a local indigenous artist of long standing here. I am particularly drawn to his large painting on the fishing rocks at Bridge River fishing grounds.

Apr 07, 2022
Deb Gass

Maria Kuttner and MaryLeslie oPelham St. Margaret’s Bay

Apr 07, 2022
Jill Dorsch

Beautiful rug, love your colour choices- looks realistic to my eye!

Apr 07, 2022
Debra Krefsky

Beautiful work Joe!!! Congratulations on completing your beautiful rug!!!

Apr 07, 2022
Teresa Heinze

Beautiful rug Joe!!

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