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Studio Recycled Yarn - Grey Blue Strip


Product Information

Every sweater has a story? 
The story of these sweaters did not end when they were thrown in the bin.
These yarns are made by a life long crafts woman and maker who gathers old wool sweaters from family, friends and used clothing outlets. She washes them, carefully takes them apart and brings the yarn back to life for rug hooking or knitting. She then hand dyes these beauties for us to hook into our rugs.
And then the yarn get's another life, another story, one that you create.
I gather sweaters from many places; friends, family and mostly used clothing outlets. Taking them apart is very labour intensive but the rewards are gradifying. Seeing the wool come to life after over-dyeiing with new colours gives it a whole new purpose.  
Handspinning has been a life-long enjoyment for me and, collecting fleece from Nova Scotia farmers has added to the fun. Seeing it transform from raw fleece to soft textured yarn makes all the extra work worthwhile. 

Looking to build your stash? Check out our wool box club: https://hookingrugs.com/collections/wool-box-subscription

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