Thursday Live, Episode 198: Yay! Prizes for the 10 Minutes a Day Challenge

Thursday Live, Episode 198: Yay! Prizes for the 10 Minutes a Day Challenge


Jun 20, 2024
Joni Black

My first ritual is taking the dog out at certain times to do his business. He is now 13 so we sit outside for half an hour. Me with a book in hand and he people watches the street activity. My second ritual which I do with my brother every second Saturday is that he comes over for lunch and we watch movies or shows together that we like and our families are not interested in. We have some great conversations about all sorts of things. We started this two years ago and it is something that we really enjoy. We are more than family we are good friends. My other ritual is hooking consistently every day. Great question!

Jun 18, 2024
Dodee Colberg

Put me on the 10 min a day challenge please.

Jun 17, 2024
Heather Kittell

Thank you for challenging me to hook or punch everyday.. Deanne and staff It is life changing. Jericho Vermont

Jun 14, 2024
Pauline Jones

Excited to have joined ten minutes a day. I’m the ninety year old beginner! Have ordered Little yellow flowers. My ritual is to not sit in front of the TV unless I have a craft in my hands – hooking, quilting or embroidery. It works and I am getting Christmas gifts made.! Blessings, Pauline

Jun 14, 2024
Deb MacIntosh

I love how Angela pauses to consider her answers to your questions,except for when you ask her if she wants to sing,and then it’s a quick , definite no.Hilarious

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