Thursday Live, Episode 198: Yay! Prizes for the 10 Minutes a Day Challenge

Thursday Live, Episode 198: Yay! Prizes for the 10 Minutes a Day Challenge


Jun 13, 2024
Hedy Hope

I am routine oriented for sure! I hike every morning, work out at the gym three times weekly on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays (after my hike), go to rug hooking get-togethers every Thursday afternoon, hook in the afternoon, read when I can.

Jun 13, 2024
Kris O’Day

I love my morning ritual. It keeps me grounded and focused!! I walk my dog, come in for a cup of coffee, meditate and read something inspirational. Right now it’s a few pages out of ‘meditations for makers’!!!! I’m really enjoying it!! Thanks for being yourselves and making it seem like we’ve met and been friends for a long time. I’m coming up to meet you all and visit your shop in the beginning of August. I can’t wait!

Jun 13, 2024

My ritual is watching Thursday Live. Another one I like is going to bed early and listening to an audiobook set to play for an hour.
I am registered in the 10 minutes a day challenge because sometimes I need incentive to do something just for me. Now I want to win one of the great prizes!
The audio on today’s Live was a little muffled – I found I had to turn the sound up quite high because I kept missing words.
The wool you demonstrated on your own rug at the end of the show today looked scrumptious. I will look at it’s description but I can’t bring myself to buy it if it’s superwash because my understanding is that that means it has microplastic added in processing

Jun 13, 2024

Hooking, reading,eating.

Jun 13, 2024

Hello from Ontario.
Are there technical problems today?

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