Thursday Live, Episode 198: Yay! Prizes for the 10 Minutes a Day Challenge

Thursday Live, Episode 198: Yay! Prizes for the 10 Minutes a Day Challenge


Jun 14, 2024
Deb MacIntosh

Waiting patiently for your new book.I have every one of yours.

Jun 14, 2024
Deb MacIntosh

I love how Angela pauses to consider her answers to your questions,except for when you ask her if she wants to sing,and then it’s a quick , definite no.Hilarious

Jun 14, 2024
Deb MacIntosh

Love you in colours again.Your outfit is lovely and summerly.

Jun 14, 2024
Deb MacIntosh

Sorry,I couldn’t watch live.I had a previous apptment. that was not negotiable.Ritual became important to me after losing my son.It kept me getting up out of bed.Now I have healthy ingrained rituals like eating regularly,going to bed at a set time,and ,of course,hooking.I also read just before sleep.Thursday is watching your live.

Jun 14, 2024
Joyce Holwerda

Prizes sound terrific!
I’ve joined!
I can hardly wait to win them to do while I’m looking after my husband after he has surgery mid August!
Have a good week!

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