What about those chin hairs?
Hey there,
It's Wednesday but I wanted to tell you something. I have a little dressing room off my studio. Don't get jealous. It is not like one you'd see on House Hunters. It is just a room I put a big rolling clothing rack in and a second hand refurbished vanity that I bought from Peter at the junk store down the street. But it is my space to get ready for whatever my day might bring.
When I sit at it to get ready in the morning I feel like Audrey Hepburn until I lean into the mirror. Then I see that it's just me and I am still happy. I love to get ready. To get ready for the day. Or in the old days, three weeks ago, to get ready for an evening out Sometimes getting ready was my favorite part of the evening...I might be an introvert?
What I have discovered is that even if I stay home I still like to get ready. That this is something I do for myself. In the last few weeks I still get up, shower, do my hair, put on a little make-up and pick out an outfit. It was for myself that I did all those things to begin with. I like to take a little time to nurture myself.
On Sunday afternoon I put on nice black leggings as a reward for my walk and a bamboo tunic with my Anne Marie Chagnon necklace and sat down with a book and fell asleep. It seems I am dressing for naps.
I still cut my chin hair with my little rounded scissors even if no one sees me. Did Audrey Hepburn have any quotes about chin hair? I am sure they would have been wise and helpful. I love her words so.
Yesterday I wore my pointy black and white zebra print flats around the house because it made me happy to look at my feet and I liked that snappy sound they make.
I think as time has gone on in this time of social distancing and self isolation it has become more important to take care of ourselves. To take extra care. Just before I sat to write this letter I put in earrings and swiped my lips with Revlon's Bombshell Red.
This time is here and now. I am listening to the Health Authorities. I am staying home and social distancing. I am wiping things down, washing my hands often and taking this all very seriously. I go only to my studio when there is no one there. I walk. I stay home. I know you are doing these things too.
We are doing it not just for ourselves but for all of us. We are doing this for each other. As we go further into these weeks some of us get more used to it, and some of us find it harder or lonelier. However we find it, we must do it still. We must do it for the common good.
If you are finding it hard reach out via phone, zoom and facetime. Call someone you love. Write an email. We are all experiencing this together. Now is a good time to let people know that you care about them. Now is a good time to send someone a thank you email for some kindness they showed you months ago. Now is a great time to look after yourself. It is also a great time to reach out to others with a quick text or call.
Stay home. Be kind to yourself. Take a little time for yourself. Dress nice, and maybe put on a little lipstick before dinner. It might have been just for yourself that you ever did that anyway.
I just want to stay in touch with you because you are so supportive. Thank you.
Now it is more important than ever...
Create beauty everyday.

1 comment

Apr 02, 2020
Bea (Bernice) Merriman

I love your Sunday notes to us all. I cant thank you enough. I AM an introvert! Im glad there is a word for that. I am old now and it took me MANY years to figure that out. I called it “fear”, “shyness”, anything I could think of never really knowing for sure.
Well anyway I wont take up your time but I thank you EVERY time I see a note from you. You are a gift to the world. I am serious. 🤗
Much love to you.
Bea in Oregon

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