Under a great big sky

Sometimes I feel so small.

Under a big a sky.

A universe. 

And here I am on this little piece of land with scrub and brush and trees. In this little community in a valley with a river running through it.

It would be lonely except I know others feel it too. I know others wonder and feel the same things I do.

And then I remember that small is beautiful. 

This idea returns to me again and again.

I think of lying in the grass in he summer and seeing a bug with it's shiny metallic green blue back and I know that small matters.

That small is iridescent.

I think of a crab apple shining on a tree.

Of a red leaf leaving a maple

and I feel part of it all.

We live in a world of celebrity 

when what really matters is the stars in the sky

and the ground beneath our feet.

Lately I have been thinking more and more about real connection.

Connection that is free from advertising and social media.

I have been thinking how much more it means when somebody stops to talk

even just for a moment.

How important it is to get a story written in a letter, even an email.

About what it is to really know someone and that is what I want to cultivate, 

because real connection cultivates caring and community.

And these things are sustenance. They are the things that enrich our lives.

My friend Denise dropped by the other day and I was busy taping so she got her yarn and left. I called her and said come back, we'll walk and she did.

And we walked for fifteen minutes and nothing was new and there were no stories to tell. But we were together, and after this long drawn out pandemic of being apart from each other, a fifteen minute walk together is something to be savoured.

And I know that because we walked we feel more connected to each other. But more importantly we don't feel so small under a big sky because we are together underneath it. 

We are more connected to the stars, less alone, because we made the effort.

And it takes effort. Sometimes It is easier to sit at home or live on good intentions of seeing each other but you miss something. You miss the love.

So as small as we are, we are important. We have this day, this week, this month, this life, and it is ours to live, and to share how we want to. That is important. A life is important, lived under a great big sky.

Thank you for letting me share my heart with you. It feels good to connect.




1 comment

Feb 27, 2022
Loraine johnson


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