Drop by and have some tea and homemade oatcakes.
Visit the studio year round at:
33 Church Street, Amherst , Nova Scotia, Canada
9am to 5pm, Mon. to Sat.
We can teach you to hook rugs in five minutes!
We are just a phone call away.
Please call us at
....where you'll find a real person ready to answer your questions from 9am to 5pm Atlantic time.
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Join thousands for creative inspiration + free online beginner class with Deanne right now.
As an elementary school librarian for a good portion of my life, I have a love affair with physical books as well as audio books. Reading aloud with verve is great fun as is listening to a great orator. It gives me endless pleasure to hook while listening to an audio book read by an accomplished reader. I can give both my full attention and recede into a peace filled envelope where little else intrudes.
I see that you hook each time with more than one thread- is this correct ?
Like the idea of an audio bookclub. I just finished this audio book last week. I like listening as I hook.
Janice LeBlanc
Can’t hear Kaylee.
Marnie Dunbar
Great idea!!! I use Hoopla a lot while doing the dishes and while in the bath. It cuts out in the car while travelling.