update alt-text with template Perfect for Beginners - The Wash 11" x 17" Starter Pack - Includes Shipping (Canada/US)-Kits-vendor-unknown-Rug Hooking Kit -Rug Hooking Pattern -Rug Hooking -Deanne Fitzpatrick Rug Hooking Studio -Is rug hooking the same as punch needle?

Perfect for Beginners - The Wash 11" x 17" Starter Pack - Includes Shipping (Canada/US)

Backing: Burlap

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Product Information

My mother hung out the wash. So did all our neighbours. Did your mom? Do you? There is something about hanging out the laundry that makes us feel at home with ourselves. This comforting kit would be great in your kitchen or laundry room!

This package has everything you need to complete this stunning 12" x 16" rug:

  •  silk screened pattern that has the picture of the image drawn on it.

  •  colour key to tell you what colours go where.

  •  illustrated set of instructions.

  • yarn and yarn and wool cloth you need to complete the kit.

  • rug hook

  • Frame (14" Hoop)

  • Deanne's best selling one hour lesson, "Hooking Rugs Start to Finish" as a downloadable lesson to get you started.

This package will be a stepping stone to new projects, new ideas, and the world of rug hooking. You will have everything you need at your fingertips and shipping is included in the price (Canada/US).

Please note that colours and textures will vary.

Estimated Completion Time: 12-16 Hours

"My first kit was 18 by 30, and I finished it in a week! I was so excited. I have designed all of these kits so you can teach yourself, even if you are a beginner. We choose our hand-dyed and specialty colours carefully so your kit will look as much like the picture as possible. We add plenty of wool, but should you run short of anything or need some help with instructions, you can just email us to help you. We want you to finish your rug & love rug hooking as much as we do." - Deanne

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