update alt-text with template Irish Hook Slim Handle Hook-Hook-vendor-unknown-Rug Hooking Kit -Rug Hooking Pattern -Rug Hooking -Deanne Fitzpatrick Rug Hooking Studio -Is rug hooking the same as punch needle?
update alt-text with template Irish Hook Slim Handle Hook-Hook-vendor-unknown-Rug Hooking Kit -Rug Hooking Pattern -Rug Hooking -Deanne Fitzpatrick Rug Hooking Studio -Is rug hooking the same as punch needle?

Irish Hook Slim Handle Hook


Product Information

These gorgeous handmade hooks feel so comfortable in the hand. Made and shipped directly from the Republic of Ireland, this hook is reminiscent of the hooks that have been used by generations before us.  It is not only beautiful to look at but beautiful to hold. 

The Slim Handle Hook has a hand crafted handle with an overall size from tip of the shank to tip of the handle of 5.25 inches with a shank size of 6mm.   

*Only one hook is $59.95

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