January 2025 Inspiration Sessions

The Not So Lonely Trees

This month I shared a lot. I hope you find that ok. I think the sessions are a place for us to be ourselves and let down our hair a bit. I hope you find that it gives you a sense of freedom too. If you want to cat about it, do so in the comments where we can all read what is on your mind. 

I think you'll see how I handle trees, or at least a few ways. I have hooked many trees and I approach them in different ways. 

I had  a great time hooking these trees. I did everything from being particular to hooking aggressively and forceful in this batch of trees. After hooking five big trees there was still room for the background. So I hooked some light greens in behind them. Contrast is important in trees. In the end of the video I take the time to tell you a few stories about my weekend and the reaching out that happened because of listening to a podcast as I went for a drive on Saturday Morning. I have shared that podcast with you below.

Reflective Questions:

Are you sometimes compelled to stay and work when you get the opportunity to go do something fun or playful?

How do you feel after you go to an art show?

Recommended Book:

We're Not Rich by Sue Murtagh, a book of connected short stories (I think I referred to it by an incorrect title in the video)

Link to the Oprah podcast with Dr. Vivek Murtry about Loneliness

Do you Sometimes Feel Lonely

Bonus Video


Click the link below for our next Zoom Hook In 


Thursday, January 30, at 3pm

Our Private Inspiration Facebook Group is here.

This is a group for participants in the Inspirations sessions to show their rugs and creative work and to chat. This is a group for participants in the Inspirations sessions to show their rugs and creative work and to chat. You can join and it will ask you the password for the sessions. The answer is: Beinspired2024

Please note unless you have the password the first time you join it will not permit you to join.