Twenty ways to hook more rugs
  1. Think about your rug when you are away from it.
  2. Get s sketchbook and draw.
  3. in your sketchbook write down every idea you have for a rug.
  4. Don't hide away your wool. Leave it out where you can see it.
  5. Start a hundred days project and hook everyday for 100 days.
  6. Set a goal for when you want it done.
  7. Have a small project on the go that you can carry when you go places.
  8. Find a spot in your house that needs a rug.
  9. Play with and organize your wool.
  10. Watch videos or listen to podcasts while you hook.
  11. Join a group online or in real life.
  12. Think of the time to hook rugs as the productive time that it is.
  13. Finish binding any rugs that you have not bound. They will inspire you.
  14. Make yourself a nice cup of tea or coffee when you go to hook.
  15. Show your rugs to people and let them enjoy them.
  16. Buy wool that inspires and excites you and put it where you see it.
  17. Leave your frame out in the room in which you spend time.
  18. Remind yourself that you cannot hook and eat at the same time.
  19. Give some rugs away as gifts.
  20. Give a rug to charity.

I know we don't need to coax ourselves too much as we love to hook rugs. Sometimes though people tell me that they cannot seem to find the time so I got my thinking cap on. You can reap so many rewards from doing things you love.

1 comment

Feb 18, 2024
Erica Denman

Thank you for spending time thinking on this. These are great kick starts for those “dry times” that most of us have every now and again.

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