Drop by and have some tea and homemade oatcakes.
Visit the studio year round at:
33 Church Street, Amherst , Nova Scotia, Canada
9am to 5pm, Mon. to Sat.
We can teach you to hook rugs in five minutes!
We are just a phone call away.
Please call us at
....where you'll find a real person ready to answer your questions from 9am to 5pm Atlantic time.
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Join thousands for creative inspiration + free online beginner class with Deanne right now.
Marnie Dunbar
When I was at U.B.C. in the early sixties, I used to get out of the pouring rain into the bookstore , sit up to the counter, and have a big, beautiful, U.B.C. cinnamon bun slathered in butter. Now, that was comfort!
Deanne Fitzpatrick Rug Hooking Studio replied:
Cinnamon Buns make everything better!
Marnie Dnbar
My Mother used to put friar’s balsam in a steamer and turn it on in the bedroom with us when we had chest colds. I did not like the smell of it. Her parents were from St. John’s- maybe it was a Nfld. thing.
A comfort food for me is beef stew. Yum!
Deanne Fitzpatrick Rug Hooking Studio replied:
Maybe! Mmn Beef stew and dough boys!
Victoria Stuart
Friar’s balsam is an old NS remedy.
Deanne Fitzpatrick Rug Hooking Studio replied:
I am interested now!
Marnie Dunbar
I like a bit of chartreuse for a bit of “poison”.
Diane Edna Hodder
Comfort food: Mom’s Pea Soup with Dumplings
Deanne Fitzpatrick Rug Hooking Studio replied:
My family would have dumplings (dough boys) as we call them with beef stew, pea soup would be good!