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33 Church Street, Amherst , Nova Scotia, Canada
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Nova Leaf
I finished the book a few days ago. Since the pandemic I have had trouble reading or watching murder mysteries. It feels like there is enough bad stuff going on in the world, that I can’t handle it for entertainment. I started reading it, and she is a good writer for moving plot along, but when I got about a third of the way in, I had been reading in the evening and after I went to sleep, I woke at 1:30 am feeling really anxious and picked it up and had to read through until I got to the end at 5:30 in the morning. Then finally I was able to go back to sleep. So I think I may stick with the relational and historical novels for the time being!
Deanne Fitzpatrick Rug Hooking Studio replied:
Not all the books will be mysteries, hopefully the next book Deanne chooses will be something you are interested in!
Judi Rempel
I don’t know if this is allowed, but I was working on a jigsaw while I listened to the book! I love the accents, so melodic and am very curious as to who the murderer is! Also, I noticed the books in the studio are color-coded, very pleasing to the eye. ALSO, I am so excited about all the future studio plans!!!!
Deanne Fitzpatrick Rug Hooking Studio replied:
Of course that is allowed you are finishing something! So happy you are liking the book so far, we have lots to show downstairs once we get the final pieces in the mail!
Sue Thieme
I just got it in the mail today.
Yes, I am listening to the book.
I finished “No Strangers Here” a couple of days ago and loved it! I’ve been struggling getting into books again the last couple of years; this book broke the spell. Thanks so much for recommending it.
Deanne Fitzpatrick Rug Hooking Studio replied:
We are so glad you enjoyed it, there will be more books recondations to come!