Thursday Live, Episode 183: Hooking Northern Seed Pods out front

Thursday Live, Episode 183: Hooking Northern Seed Pods out front


Feb 22, 2024

You should definitely offer Ageless Creativity again. It was an awesome course. I’m so glad I took it.

Feb 22, 2024

Is the small kit behind Deanne , the blue house with the yellow door, a new mini kit?

Feb 22, 2024
Barbara Laberge

Great show today!
When using the puffy, soft yarn in cushions, I find that it becomes furry and hairy. Is there a way to prevent that? Perhaps spray the cushion with hair spray?
I find the yarn which is twisted wears better
Thank you

Feb 22, 2024
Danielle Marois

Hello from Venise en Québec ! I cannot wait it will be fantastic ….

Feb 22, 2024

Greetings from Orangeville Ontario

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