The morning light

The light this morning in my little home studio flooded the room golden. As I was putting something under the cupboard I could see how everything in that room looked a little more beautiful. I just stood there in the hue just to feel it. Right now I am sitting in my writing chair and just watching the glow.

The light is always changing and when it does it changes everything it shines upon. When we hook rugs we begin to notice the light. How the trees are a different colour in the morning than the evening. How at certain times of day there is a golden glow over thing while at other times there are shadows. And they are all beautiful in their own way.

Have you ever looked out a window and seen that the landscape suddenly looked different. Different enough to make you stop and look. Sometimes this happens to me as evening comes. I am awestruck by the beauty of the changing light.

We have just been through five days of rain here. It does not bother me. I like a grey light as much as any. I walk in the rain and just carry on regardless. On Friday afternoon the sun came out. As soon as I saw it I wanted to bask in it. My friend and I got out and walked for an hour. When it goes behind the clouds for days on end I do miss it.

This morning when I looked at the rug I had on the frame it looked like it had been blessed by the sun. The colours were richer than in the grey light all week. Somehow, I felt that my work was better when it was only in a different light.

Notice the light this week. Pay attention to how it transforms the room you are in, the landscape you walk upon. How the sun makes blue more blue, and brings out the pink in the reds. How colour changes depending on the time of day. I would say notice the little things, but really is that accurate? The light is a big thing.

And by starting to take notice of it, I think you will notice other things too. When we watch the light really, we are watching everything. The table, the chair, the wool on the frame, the trees, the grass, the little bits of undergrowth in the forest. When we watch the light we are truly seeing. We are feasting on the world around us.

I hope our week is filled with beauty and that together we are close enough to the divine to take notice of it.

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