Sunday Letter October 11th 2020
Good Morning,
The light changed this morning. Suddenly there it was that clear cool light that I associate with November. I noticed it as soon as I walked into the studio to do a bit of morning reading. Right now I have twelve books on my desk, all non fiction. Six I have read, they have been there for months but I want to read snippets of them again. Nothing in particular. I just pick them and open them anywhere.
Five of them I am reading a little at a time. They will be on my desk for months. I read a few pages when I get a chance. My best mornings are when I take the time to read before the day starts. I want this to be my habit but it isn't. They say it takes thirty days to make a habit. The sixth book is my big journalling bible. Right now I am reading the psalms, just one at a time. It leaves you room to write and draw in it as you do.
There is so much to learn in the world and never before have we had such easy access to so much knowledge and wisdom. On the other hand we have never been flooded with so much junk. More than ever I need to curate what I am taking in. That does not mean I only want to take in what I already think. I want new ideas. I just have to make sure they come from good places, places that align with who I am am and what I value.
I need to be my own curator because there is so much to take in. It is exciting and it is overwhelming. Yet I remain thankful for it.
Thankful for the books on my table.
Thankful for the people who share ideas.
Thankful for artists who create,
for hands who make,
for those who prepare food,
and for those who set it on tables.
I am thankful for good leadership,
for healing hands,
for all the janitors and cleaners
in all the places we go.
I am thankful for children
who love their families,
and cousins who like to keep in touch.
and sisters and parents, and nieces and friends.
Thankful and hopeful
to have love in my heart
on this blessed day
when I am reminded
that there is an abundance
and an abundance is meant to be shared.
Share your love, your ideas, your goodness as we go into tomorrow.
Thanksgiving is so much more than a day.
So much more than turkey ( though I love that part. Yehhhh!).
Think about what you have to give and give it.
I'll do the same, promise.
Right now I gotta go peel potatoes.
Happy Thanksgiving,

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