See it the way you see it.


I have put my feet in the water a good many times this summer. It has been good for me to be by the sea. Years ago I went on a long road trip only to come back to Amherst Shore and discover that the beaches here outside of my community  were a sort of home to me. 

Not the water I knew so many years ago. The rough rugged barnacle filled black rocks of Freshwater, but still beautiful , this soft and easy shore with brown sand and a bay that bottoms out so you can walk the flats. So much grace in being able to have a little space here top comfort you.

I feel like a belong in certain places, even more than those places will ever belong to me.For a place never belongs to you and as much as you b belong to it. We feel the feelings of belonging. I know those black rocks have never lamented me not walking around them, but so many times I have missed them.  In some places I feel comfortable. It does not happen easily or quickly but it does happen, usually after a long time.

This summer more than ever I have appreciated the sea and I am drawn to hook it right now. I want to hook the way the bay curves around to meet the tiny white cottages that dot the shoreline. Sure there are big houses there too but these little wood frame cottages are what Amherst shore means to me. It does not matter what you see when you make art, it matters what you feel and what you want to express.

So I never hold  myself to what I see around me. Instead I try to hold what I see in my mind an d show you that. I am open when I making things. I am thinking about making the rug as beautifully as I can in the space I am in. This is the beauty for me . This is the joy. To make in the moment. To add or take away. To edit as I want. To create.

See it the way you see it, the artist John Neville told me years ago. That is what makes it interesting. The way you see it. Your mind's eye.  See it for the beauty that you bring to it and the beauty that it brings to you. 

Thank you for Reading, Deanne

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