Journal: Idea Factory

It has been so fresh for all of us here to have an intern this summer. She has just graduated with a BFa from Mount Allison University. She is full of energy and ideas. It makes me think of when I started and I am happy to help her turn those ideas into realities. That is what we should do I think as we learn new things, we must teach others.

Having been creating now for nearly thirty years I know the value of an idea. I also know that sometimes the best ideas come when you ping them off one another. Suddenly the idea mill starts generating at high speed.

This spring has been a strong spring for new ideas in both my businesses. So strong in fact that I have been racing to complete them all. I have been a one woman idea factory. With the women who work here I have been watching things go from tiny dreams to concrete things.

Our summer internship was one of these ideas and it has in turn led to more ideas. I collect ideas like they are precious because they are. The more ideas you have the more you can do. 

So today as the humidity has peaked and summer has finally hit here in Nova Scotia I sit in my studio and think what’s next? In a way it is good that I have no idea what is next because I love a surprise. Some idea will ping off another idea and suddenly there it will be, that next thing, that new idea, that dream that you can turn into a reality.

So today I am just sitting and waiting. 

And it will come. There is no need to worry what’s next because it will come. 


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