Journal: Floral Gardens

I have been thinking a lot about flowers and bloooming. I have to write and article about rug hooking for a magazine that has the theme Bloom. I am also creating an online course that is about hooking impressionistic floral gardens. 

This week I received flowers four times so the house is a kind of garden. The first batch were coral roses and tulips from my niece perfectly arranged. The second came in a very stiff bouquet that I took apart and spread in different containers around the house. I felt like I was freeing them. The third was a single white rose, can’t improve on that. The fourth was from my neighbor Wayne. He arrived at my door in his buffalo plaid jack shirt holding a perfect bouquet of yellow tulips. Warm my heart.  They sit on the kitchen table, a place of pride in my house.

So the flowers are surrounding me in such a good way because they bring me back to my work. I look at them from a distance. I peer into their centres. I touch the petals. I smell them. That is my job if I want to hook floral gardens. My job is to study the real thing. 

Not just their shape. Not just the lines. I need to feel them with my hands and with my heart. I need to let the scent drift through the house. I won’t know the effects of having flowers around directly but I am sure it will have an effect. It is like having the right ingredients on hand for a recipe. 

Now I just take it in. I am not deliberate about it. I just love with the flowers, and enjoy them. And then I watch and see what happens.

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