Hooking with gentle colours, Thursday live: Episode 164

Hooking with gentle colours, Thursday live: Episode 164


Oct 12, 2023
Karen Croxall

My band jacket and my own baby booties. I’m 63

Oct 12, 2023
Claire Quinn

good morning!

Oct 12, 2023
Karen Croxall

Hi you cut out Deanne, what did you say about the large ki?

Oct 12, 2023
Margaret Blank

I’ve finally caught you live — good morning! (It’s 8:13 a.m. here in Alberta.) About old jewellry: I have several old rings. My maternal grandma’s engagement ring (1910) is my engagement ring. My father died when my mother was expecting me; the gold band he gave her when they married was my wedding band. I still wear it on my pinky finger (It shrunk!) and now I also have the engagement ring my father gave my mom (1940). I have other old jewellry too — favourites include two large silver pins I use on shawls.

Right now I’m hooking something I’ve designed myself; I got some more greens from you to do it. I’ll post photos on the FB group as I go. On Thanksgiving Monday my kids came, and were curious about the 2 small pieces I’ve hooked. My daughter was particularly interested, so I showed her how it’s done. A seed has been planted… Thanks for all you do to inspire us!

Oct 12, 2023
Danielle Marois

J’adore ces couleurs !

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