Creating ten minute habits

So many of you are working on the ten minute a day challenge. At last count nearly 1400 people had registered for it. The commitment is to hook ten minutes a day, every day. If you miss one occasionally you can play catch up. Challenges of course are about keeping track of ourselves. 

I create challenges for myself all the time. Years ago I quit eating chocolate after months of eating Reeses big cups, sometimes two or three packs a day. I knew it was not a good thing. When I was in the grocery line up I was always seduced by the chocolate bars. I ended it. The challenge remains in place but of course it is no challenge any more I have lost the taste for chocolate. 

Recently I challenged myself to study French for ten minutes a day. It has become a habit. I enjoy learning a new word every day. I still can't easily converse and I don't think I will ever be able to talk about ideas but I am learning.

Just over two months ago I set up a 100 days challenge for myself. That is for 100 days I would write every day. I am deeply into this challenge and I think I will complete it. It is a definite challenge for me though.

I suppose all these little challenges require creating new habits as well as will power. For some of them I have rearranged my days for them. Some of them have changed me. I like the idea of taking on something new and meeting the challenge makes me feel good. Accomplished even. I put a little checkmark on my calendar the days I complete and it is like the silver star my grade two teacher used to put at the top of my page. I was always a sucker for those stars.

I love thinking that so many of you are hooking every day. You have that spirit of making in you and you are feeling an accomplishment. You also get the rugs you make. Rug hooking is so tactile and so rewarding.

I am always hooking along with you. Today I start a new rug and though I have no idea what I am going to make it does not matter. I will show up for ten minutes and stay for an hour or maybe two and I will find something beautiful to make, because hooking rugs makes me feel good. It is as simple as that.

The personal challenges that I create for myself keep me motivated and interested, and curious. When you do something everyday for a while you get to the point where you push yourself a little further than you might have because you have gotten so far along. I love that. I love that internal push that makes me try harder and do a bit a more.

Keep up that rug hooking. I am here hooking along with you. 

1 comment

Oct 29, 2023
Danielle Marois

Merci encore, très intéressant …
It is true learning an other language it is not easy. I know that and it is the same thing than you … I try to find nice words in English for more vocabulary … but it is difficult for grammar and technical discussions. With 10 minutes by 10 minutes I will succeed ! Like Rug Hooking ❤️
Bonne journée !

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