Thursday Live, Episode 204: What inspires you?


Aug 22, 2024

You have made rug making accessible and and I want to thank-you..grateful for the way you share and your use of colour triggered a desire in me to try rug making and become immersed in the process and see if I can also produce something beautiful too. Ive always been drawn to textiles and the liberal way you create your rugs caught my eye and heart and so much that i could not help but catch the rug bug.. I long to make beautiful things with a similiar generousity and freedom. I thank God for your bountiful heart and the sharing of your passion for life has illuminated my heart too.

Jul 27, 2024
Judi Rempel

Oh Deanne! This sweet live was one of my all-time favourites. Up close and personal and so delightful. Thanks for touring us around to some of your meaningful items in the studio that is your sacred space. Joining the inspiration sessions was one of the very best decisions I have made to further my creative journey. Not only is there a deep and soul-feeding time, book recommendations and teaching moments, as well as your thoughts behind your processes, there is fun and frivolity as well. It truly is the complete package….many many thanks.

Jul 26, 2024
Pauline Jones

A year ago today my beautiful husband died from Alzheimers disease. We had a beautiful marriage of 66 years. we told each other that we loved each other every day. I told him that he was my life. Too often we do not say what should be said, but when we open up we find a love which passeth all understanding. And now I have a new love – hooking. It has filled in the quiet corners of my life, it has brought me simple peace where I can think of the past and revel in the love that I had. I “love” hooking. It’s that simple. Years ago I was sitting on the old front porch of my in-laws home, just my father-in-law and me. He was a man of few words. He said to me, “Girl, you’re going to be all right.” He didn’t say that he loved me, but I knew that he did for he observed the struggle I was having settling down into a new country, the United States. I have hooked him into one rug on his old wagon with Ned the mule, and am in the process of planning him, just by himself, in another smaller rug. That is love. Deanne, thank you so much for giving me the exposure to such a beautiful craft. I “love” you all. Amen

Jul 26, 2024
Patricia De Molitor

Thank you for sharing your special personal treasures with all of us. It remined me of a special lady I was so blessed to meet. She was a patient of mine many years ago that had so little money and could only afford to eat twice a day. We were teaching her how to look after herself and her diabetes. One day not too long after my son had passed, she came in with a gift for me…a small angel pin in memory of my son. She chose to spend two dollars for the pin instead of food for herself! That act of love and kindness has stayed with me forever. Here was a lady that had so little to share but she wanted me to know she cared. This memory still moves me to tears today and it reminds me to be kind.
Thank-you for sharing your stories and inspirations with us.

Jul 25, 2024
Deb MacIntosh

Hi,really enjoyed your show today.I always look froward to Thursdays.TodayI was feeling especially nostalgic,perhaps because it was my birthday and I was thinking about my youth.I don’t remember my parents ever saying they loved me but I felt their love in my very soul.When my mom was at her last I had this overwhelming desire to tell her I loved her.Now I,like you,have items that are not necessarily valuable but are beyond measure for me.It was nice to go to my hooking room and pour over my life collections; a pic of me as a toddler in a tin pedal fire truck,a piece of seaglassmy grandchild was so excited to have found but gifted it to me,a piece of coal because my grandfather and beloved brother-in-law worked in the mines,so many little collectibles that are priceless to me.Thank you for reminding me why I enjoy the Inspiration Sessions and the lives and Sunday lives.They feel rich,energising,comforting at times,and are a reminder to seek beauty,reach out in kindness and sincereity,and enjoy life.Thanks

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