Episode 109, Thursday Live: We are excited to be back!

Episode 109, Thursday Live: We are excited to be back!
  • Angela Davis
Comments 34
  • Lise Desrosiers
    Lise Desrosiers

    Thankful!! I’m very thankful that I managed to go to Nova Scotia this August (what an incredible province) and especially thankful that I visited your store/studio!! A big thank you to your amazing staff for being so welcoming.
    Sorry I missed meeting you but glad you had some downtime.
    Stay well!

  • Shelley Richardson
    Shelley Richardson

    What a delight to see you back on my screen again. This past summer has been one to remember. We were lucky enough to have both sons back home, AT THE SAME TIME, with wives and babies. It was a delightful time, but sadly no time for rug hooking. I have much to catch up on this fall.
    Now my husband and I are currently in Spain!!!! Heading towards Portugal next week. I have to say the inspiration is everywhere so who knows what my rugs will become going forward. Maybe Gaudi inspired, or Micro inspired….two crazy artists for sure.
    In the meantime i will look forward to next week watching from Lisbon I think!!!
    Thanks for connecting us all no matter where we are viewing from, it really is something special
    Buenas noches, Shelley Richardson

  • Terry Turner Mitchell
    Terry Turner Mitchell

    Welcome back!

  • rhonda dowling
    rhonda dowling

    I’m so glad Thursday live is back. I didn’t realize how much I missed it.
    I am thankful for longtime friends some of which I was able to see this summer.
    We still plan to visit the studio on October 6. I can’t wait!!

  • Deb MacIntosh
    Deb MacIntosh

    Glad to see everyone back.I am so grateful my family came home this summer.My son,his wife,and family will be home for Thanksgiving,too.How amazing is that.For those of you who faced illness and a family in an accident,you are in my prayers

  • Donna K Kahn
    Donna K Kahn

    I had a stroke and a heart attack this summer. I’m thankful for my husband, who got me to the hospital in time. I’m thankful for the health care professionals who helped me recover and heal. Thankful for everyday….

  • Peggy

    Nice to be back!

  • Loraine

    Happy to see you back

  • Sarah

    I have been looking for that everywhere! I can’t find it anywhere!

  • Wanda

    Thankful For my Fogo Island retreat. I met Zita Cobb. Stayed at the Little red cottage, bought prints from Adam Young and explored the island and the beaches. I found a mermaid’s purse!

  • Marianne Cullip
    Marianne Cullip

    meeting new distance relatives and beautiful friends to explore Nova Scotia.

  • Susan

    Thankful for family visit and support when family were involved in a serious accident and while hurt, they are improving all the time.

  • Anne Bird
    Anne Bird

    Thankful for blue skies and enough rain to keep the the grass green.

  • Jan

    So thankful that 2 of my children got the new jobs they wanted.

  • Debbie Crisman
    Debbie Crisman

    i got to join Inspiration Sessions and I got Big Pot of flowers kit and mfinished it My first rug.

  • Sarah

    I’m usually thankful for small things. This year it was all the blackberries that grew in my yard. I’ve made jam, pie, crumble, muffins, given some away, and eaten a bunch fresh!

  • Lynda Sully
    Lynda Sully

    Thankful for time, family, good health, great weather and my dog, Thor!


    Thankful for all the stress associated to moving my elder parents. It made me learn about myself and evolve.

  • Joyce

    My son moved back home after being on the west coast for a couple years.

  • Juliet Page
    Juliet Page

    So happy to see a live live! Love the new time. 💖 Also I am taking your design II class and thoroughly loving it! It’s really helping me to delve deep into a theme and make it mine. Thank you for the new class. 💚

  • Cathy North
    Cathy North

    Welcome back.

  • Claire Quinn
    Claire Quinn

    Welcome back Deanne & girls!

  • Susan Joudrey
    Susan Joudrey

    Glad this is re-started.

  • Anne Bird
    Anne Bird

    Hello for South Central Kentucky , we are all thankful you had time off, to recharge your batteries!

  • Mary

    Good morning ladies!

  • Lynda Sully
    Lynda Sully

    Great to see you again!

  • Lynn

    Good Morning! so glad you are back! xx Hello Everyone!

  • Pam Willoughby
    Pam Willoughby

    Hi from Monterey CA. Love the new time

  • Shannon

    So excited for the return of the Lives!

  • Joyce Jose
    Joyce Jose

    So glad you are back!

  • Pam Willoughby
    Pam Willoughby

    Welcome back

  • Lee Stanton Sawyer
    Lee Stanton Sawyer

    Yay!! Prohibition is over !!!!!!

  • Danielle

    Hi ! Heureuse de vous revoir ! 🥰

  • Deanne Fitzpatrick
    Deanne Fitzpatrick

    Yay! Welcome back

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