Episode 98 Thursday Live, Beautiful Rugs and a Special Guest

Episode 98 Thursday Live, Beautiful Rugs and a Special Guest
  • Angela Davis
Comments 9
  • Carol Weingartner
    Carol Weingartner

    Hi to Angela,
    Rocco is beautiful and looks so much like my cat, Koko. They could be brother and sister, although I know t hat they aren’t.
    My cat is a ragamuffin, bred from the rag doll. What is Rocco?
    From one cat lover to another, Carol

  • Marnie Dunbar
    Marnie Dunbar

    Hello all. Sweet fill in show.
    I love catching a glimpse of Deanne’s monochromatic moose rug on the wall and wonder if maybe one day Deanne could focus on it.
    Best wishes back for a great weekend!
    (It rained so hard that I think I’ll wait until they clear the rocks off the road and it warms up before I head up to my little cabin in the mountains).

  • Terry Turner Mitchell
    Terry Turner Mitchell

    Missed the live this afternoon but just watched the recording this evening. It was a fun watch with giggles included. The team did great entertaining
    everyone. Rocco, the ‘star of the show’ is so handsome! I expect Angela had some special treats waiting for Rocco after the show! Thanks everyone and
    I know Deanne is having a wonderful time. Have a enjoyable long weekend . Stay safe.

  • Gwen Brice
    Gwen Brice

    Really enjoyed the colour pallet exercise. Interesting to see how each person interrupted the photo and what they selected and why.

  • Angela Jorgensen
    Angela Jorgensen

    Hi, My apologies for the late post. Hope you enjoy the show.

  • Deanne Fitzpatrick
    Deanne Fitzpatrick


  • Cathie

    Ummmm… no live here.. not on website or fb.. ?.? Cathie.

  • David Kish
    David Kish

    I guess your having technical problems again. I’ll watch recording later.

  • Karen Croxall
    Karen Croxall

    Hi, still no live on website or facebook?

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