Learning How to Celebrate

I have learned the sweet art of celebration.

In the cold of winter I got an email from the assistant to the President of Mount Saint Vincent University to say that the University President would like to speak to me. I knew that several years ago a fellow rug hooker had nominated for this honour. At the time I was amazed at her graciousness to do this. When I got the email I remembered this and then I thought, as you would, "don't get your hopes up. It could be anything." So I waited in hope for her call and to learn, that yes, they would like to bestow me with an Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters. I was asked to only tell family and a few close friends. So, I was carrying this secret around for months until it was announced.

Mount Saint Vincent is a university that I am so proud to be associated with. It is a school that has focused on the education of women for generations, and one that believes in the importance of diversity and equal opportunity for everyone. I am blessed that they chose me.

Secondly, receiving this doctorate taught me to truly celebrate. Over the years, I have happily accepted so many good things that have come my way and I moved on. This time slowed me down and taught me to really take it in.

The one thing that made me so happy was to see my children so proud of me. As I am of them. That is the most humility I have ever felt in my life. 

Perhaps it is my age. Perhaps it is about the fact that I have chosen words like savour, strengthen, and grace to focus on over the last few years as my words of the year. Perhaps it is just joy in the moment.

I can tell you with this honour I took the time to truly appreciate every card, every bloom, every congratulations and I enjoyed them. So often we see the idea of celebrating ourselves as too self centred. But I tell you when something wonderful happens to you, as it will, because we all have wonder in our lives. Be sure to celebrate.

Celebrating this big thing that happened to me has made me see more value in celebration as a whole. I should savour more of my moments. And you should savour yours.

The lilacs and the apple blossoms will be blooming this week. They are celebrating their being in their blooms. I will  join them and celebrate them too. These things mark the seasons. They are worth notice.

As are the things that mark the seasons of our life. Our birthdays, our anniversaries, our special days are worth loving. Enjoy them.

Your accomplishments! Yes!!!!!

Find a way to mark them. Give yourself the gift of an art date, or a special treat.  

Last week I went to the city early. Took two days for myself. Went to art galleries, walked for miles, relished the blossoms. I just enjoyed myself. Somehow I slowed down and felt the moments. I read a novel. I took  people out to dinner.

I quieted my mind and I was thankful for the moments. Celebration is really just about allowing yourself to bask in something beautiful. It is about appreciating that you are there in that time and place and knowing.

Knowing that what is happening is good.

So relish your life. Love what is good and celebrate it.

The blossoms.

The birthdays.

The beauty of the moment.

Thank you for reading.


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