Journal: will you ever see the trees

That is my question. Will you ever see the trees? I have slowed down on this rug because I feel like it might not be good, that in finishing it , this will be confirmed. 

Today though I am going to face up to it and get it off the frame. Then I will know. 

It is Saturday morning and the roads are sliipery. I am going to stay home, have the house I myself, make some fresh coffee and hook. After being home with my recuperation from an emergency appendectomy earlier this winter I seem to enjoy my home more. I have been spending more time here, though I work from here as well. I seem to get a lot done. Downtown, I run over to the women’s store and wait on customers. I go out front and chat . I check in with Lorna about business things. I look for distractions. At home I just have myself to be distracted by. Well sometimes the laundry of a quick clean of the bathroom calls me. 

So this Saturday morning will start out at home. With my hook, and my hope, and perhaps I will finish one rug and another will stir quickly and I will get it on the frame. Without deliberation or days of thinking. That happens sometimes too.

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