Journal: Wild flowers

I recently had the chance to see a rug that I had done about fifteen years ago. Two professors from Mount A bought it when they were beginning their careeerscand it has been in their home ever since. 

What a lovely thing it is to have your work be a long term part of someone’s home. I think of it being in their daily life. I like the idea of my work as being part of their routine. Of it just being there, a reference point to home.

when I saw it again I was taken aback by the design, and the materials used. It had used a lot of fleece which I have not been using lately. It made me dig out the fleece again.

it also made me want to hook wild flowers again, and write more. I was inspired by my own work, not to recreate it but to build upon it. It is a good thing to keep pictures of your work. You should take a picture of everything you make but there is nothing like seeing the real thing again. 

Today I am going to start working a bit bigger. Flowers are on my mind because of the online course I am working on and because of the rug that came to visit. So to start I am going to hook something two feet by two feet. I have four frames that size that called to be filled. I hope that they will be beautiful. That is how I start every piece , with hope. 

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