Journal: the race is off

So often in my mind the race is on. I am moving forward, hustling almost when there is no cause for hustle. Today I wanted to race through and finish this big nine piece that I have been working on but I reminded myself like I did the other night to savour. I will savour the making. 

It is not easy for me. I am not the best at this but I am struggling to be better because I think the rugs will be even better for it. Think of a stew, how it needs time to Let the flavours meld. Art is like that too. The quicker you make it sometimes the less flavour it has. Not always of course. There are those majestic things that happen quickly.

This afternoon I will sit and bind a few rugs . The sky can wait on my nine piece and hopefully it will still be majestic, maybe better than if I had plodded on.

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