How to Hook a Pot of Flowers, Episode 122 Thursday Live

How to Hook a Pot of Flowers, Episode 122 Thursday Live
  • Angela Davis
Comments 8
  • Nita,  Northern Indiana
    Nita, Northern Indiana

    Than you all for the well- done program. Thank you for upgrading the video, that’s nice. Just don’t get over the top about it?

    I’m trying to finish my Ezekiel 1 rug before I go to Glory. That’s my goal this year.

    I guess my goal word this year is glorify. Not an easy concept. But with prayer, it’s real.

    Deanne, thank you for instructing us on 2-stand work. I’ve been struggling with it. Much appreciated!

    Kudos to your whole staff. They are amazing.

    My daughter, Joy had been assisting my husband to recover after 5-way bypass heart surgery. I called her work amazing, the first month. Now she has gone on to be astounding. I’m so thankful for her dedication and love. Makes me cry to think of it!

    Love to you all
    God is GOOD

  • Patti

    Love, love, love your videos and all the things you do,really. I received my copy of the Sunday Letters and it is so beautiful, Thank you for making this book. I also have a son who is an Engineer and works in Ottawa. ❤️ I now live in the Edmonton, Alberta area. (Originally from Nova Scotia.) Been in your gorgeous studio quite a few times. So inspirational.

  • Patti

    Love, love, love your videos and all the things you do,really. I received my copy of the Sunday Letters and it is so beautiful, Thank you for making this book. I also have a son who is an Engineer and works in Ottawa. ❤️ I now live in the Edmonton, Alberta area. (Originally from Nova Scotia.) Been in your gorgeous studio quite a few times. So inspirational.

  • Carol Weingartner
    Carol Weingartner

    When I go to online courses to renew Inspiration Sessions for new year, it says it is sold out. So how do I renew for next year?
    HELP Carol

  • Cdarol Weingartner
    Cdarol Weingartner

    Love the mix of reds in your flowers and glad you pointed out how you started a new stem color in the previous color to get good flow.
    Also, love your dress. I am always very fond of a rich brown. Can I sign up now to renew my Inspiration Sessions membership for next year? Do I just
    go to Inspiration Sessions? Sorry I haven’t joined the Zoom. I will figure out how to do it soon!!! Happy hooking, Carol

  • Ellen Dusenberry
    Ellen Dusenberry

    I guess I’m a Jack of all trades. I never feel any of my projects are completely perfect, be it Rug Hooking, wool spinning or my woodworking, or my many other projects. One thing I know for sure, without finding Deanne’s Website I never would have continued with my hooking. You have taught me so much and I am so grateful and thankful. I have completed more mats this summer than I had in 4 years. I get so emotional when I talk about my hooking because it is my go to calming when I get stuck building a chair or a table or just a charcuterie board. Thank you Deanne for giving me that comfort.

  • Debbie

    I’m not sure what my hidden talent is but I will try and figure that out, good food for thought!

  • Teresa Heinze
    Teresa Heinze

    My talents are not self aware!

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