Finding inspiration in the summer months

Hooking rugs in the summertime isn't something that all hookers take part in, however summer is the prime time to seek inspiration in your surroundings. There are colours everywhere. Whether it be burnt oranges, magentas, hints of lavender and yellows in the later-than-usual sunsets, or the million shades of blues, navies and turquoise you can spot during a warm day at the beach. Take note of how the leaves hang down in front of the sun while you're out for a walk, or the colour of the sky just before a big thunder and lightning storm. You can even find influence from a cold colourful drink on a nice afternoon and incorporate those colours and textures into your work. 

These colours and ideas can be translated into your rugs easily, creating memories of moments that you may need to revisit during the long winter season! Summer inspired rugs are especially great for your cottage or out on your deck, wherever you think needs a splash of summer fun. 

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