Episode 92 Thursday Live: Joe's Hollyhocks and the Tree of Life

Episode 92 Thursday Live: Joe's Hollyhocks and the Tree of Life


Apr 07, 2022

It doesn’t matter, you are on now

Apr 07, 2022
Linda Smith

I could listen to the sound of your hook all day long. It is so comforting.

Apr 07, 2022
Debra Krefsky

I love the way you hook and the color blue you are using. Will this rug ever be available as a kit? Thank you for all your inspiration, (I am currently taking that course). I am also interested in Color School so good to hear you speaking about it now. Thank you! Debbie

Apr 07, 2022
Ken bray

Hello for Franklin MA USA

Apr 07, 2022
Teri Canter

Hi from North Carolina!

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