Episode 119, Thursday Live: Waiting for the Sunday Letters

Episode 119, Thursday Live: Waiting for the Sunday Letters


Dec 05, 2022
Valerie Boswell

Shortbread, wool, and a mandarine orange

Nov 24, 2022
Terry Turner Mitchell

A gift certificate from a local bookstore, homemade chocolate shortbread cookies and a gift certificate from a local winery.

Nov 24, 2022
Terry Turner Mitchell

A gift certificate from a local bookstore, homemade chocolate shortbread cookies and a gift certificate from a local winery.

Nov 24, 2022
Terry Turner Mitchell

A gift certificate from a local bookstore, homemade chocolate shortbread cookies and a gift certificate from a local winery.

Nov 24, 2022

….some rich gold would have been nice in between the two white lines…
Chocolate, oatcakes and tea!

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