Episode 102 Thursday Live, New Yarn Textures and Studio Tour!

Episode 102 Thursday Live, New Yarn Textures and Studio Tour!


Jul 10, 2022
Rozan Meacham

I have worked with wool-, quits, table runner, primitive rug hooking and gave written a book. I had stopped doing rugs 10 years ago. I started thinking about rug hooking again and type rug hooking into U-tube and your videos came up and you have inspired me to rug hook again. I can’t get enough of your videos and a have started the 10 minutes a day. I’ve ordered some kits. Im excited to try using yarn in my hooking. Thank you so much for being you and your creative ability is amazing!

Jun 16, 2022
Susan In Oshawa

Love your birthday and childhood photo thoughts today . Yes we can be reminded our deepest purest self I believe too. My husband grew up in a house of boys and was musing to me his wonder about some of QEW great nieces and how they like sparkles and ruffles and dress up and twirling. I replied to him that as females this is still in us whatever our age and just gets hidden somewhat due to roles and responsibilities. So yes – dress up and sparkle and twirl esp. on your special day. You make the world a better place! Hugs!

Jun 16, 2022

A lady gave me a plant and unbeknownst to me,there was goatweed in it.It has spread everywhere

Jun 16, 2022
Geri Beveridge

I didn’t mean to triple post my first message! That was very inspirational today – so full of colour, texture, and creative lines. I appreciated the reference to our inner creative child.

Jun 16, 2022
Terry Turner Mitchell

Thanks for the get together and have fun this evening!

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