How much wool do you need to hook a rug?

How much wool do you need to hook a rug? 0

How much wool do you need to hook a rug?
Choosing Background Colours in Rug Hooking

Choosing Background Colours in Rug Hooking 1

Choosing Background Colours in Rug Hooking
What is the difference between punch needle and rug hooking with Amy Oxford & Deanne Fitzpatrick

What is the difference between punch needle and rug hooking with Amy Oxford & Deanne Fitzpatrick 0

What is the difference between punch needle and rug hooking with Deanne Fitzpatrick and Amy Oxford
Hooked Rug: Setting the Little Birds Free

Hooked Rug: Setting the Little Birds Free 0

Setting the Little Birds Free. As you set things free you discover that you what you are really setting free is yourself. Letting go is about making room. Maybe it is room for small things. It is more room to be. I sometimes hang on to my routines longer than I need to. Superstition perhaps. Comfort in doing it the same way over and over. Letting go of things like this I discovered is really setting myself free. The little birds already were.
Competing Forces in Rug Hooking

Competing Forces in Rug Hooking 0

I was making a lot of small pieces and suddenly I felt that I needed something big to show for this time. Something I worked on day after day. So I surrendered the little mats and drew a big one on a piece of linen. I gather my first four or five wools that I would need and I sat and I hooked and hooked and hooked. My hand was tired but I felt like what I did was going to matter more sometime. That what I did during this time would not be lost in a pile of small things but would stand out as the one I laboured over. It is yin and yang,  is that what they call it. Competing forces? I was working small and suddenly working big became important. This time is both difficult and precious. Two more competing forces. I want something special to show for it.
What have you learned about yourself  while staying home?

What have you learned about yourself while staying home? 0

I came into my yard after my morning walk and I saw the branches in their baskets from Christmas looking so forlorn. It was not til the last couple of days that they were thawed enough to pull apart. I carried them to the fire pit. It is way past time. At Christmas these baskets were a welcome home. Right now they are a reminder that I am out of step with the present. Today my doorstep is free and clear of any encumbrances. It is no longer a reminder of things that need to be done. It feels good. I am a list maker but that doorstep never made it to the list. When I put things on my list, they get done. I love the thrill of the mark off...putting a line through it. Done. One woman told me that sometimes she writes down things she has already done on her list just so she can get the immediate satisfaction of striking it off. I smiled. I understood.
What is the difference between Rug Hooking and Punch Hooking?

What is the difference between Rug Hooking and Punch Hooking? 1

  Angela does such great job explaining the difference between two very similar crafts, rug hooking and Punch needle or punch hooking. With punch needle you work from the top side but your finished work is usually consider the back side. As Angela explains, some people are so good at it they can use either side. Amazing. In rug hooking you put your hook on a slight slant and work from the top side. The top side will be for finished rug.
Free Rug Hooking Lesson: How to outline for hooked rugs & hooking landscape rugs.

Free Rug Hooking Lesson: How to outline for hooked rugs & hooking landscape rugs. 11

Well today we did a free facebook live video and I taught everyone about how I hook the rocks, the sea, the sails of the boat, the little houses, and the back hills. I answered as many questions as I could. We had about 680 people watching from all over the world. It was really fun. My husband, Robert was the camera man and he did lots of close ups including showing you how my hand works underneath the frame when I am rug hooking.   
Janine Vangool of Uppercase Magazine is full of good ideas. Listen to the Podcast.

Janine Vangool of Uppercase Magazine is full of good ideas. Listen to the Podcast. 1

I love having a podcast because I get to just ask people if I can ask them a bunch of questions. It is so wonderful for me because I am a naturally curious soul. When I meet someone new I have to be careful not to interview them, firing off questions. It is my nature. I have to hold back...except when I do my podcast....
Being home and hooking rugs.

Being home and hooking rugs. 3

This hooked  rug was created as a tribute to domesticity. Flowers on the table. An oriental carpet underneath the table. A wooden floor. Clay vases. All the things I love. They are the comforts of home. When I walk into my house at the end of the day and see the flowers, feel the rug under my feet. I am soothed. In this time that we are all facing together, we are getting back to domesticity. We are in touch with our homes, our families. It is not easy, this time. Right now I feel so grateful for my quiet home. I am comfortable. There is food in the fridge. There is  a yard to go out in with space around us. Today I worked from home. I got plenty done. I was able to text my coworkers with questions and have answers right away. It was good to be here. I will go in on Sunday and fill orders. We are all working alone when we go to the studio. We make sure there is just one person there at a time to help prevent the spread of Covid 19. We are all taking it very seriously. We are all healthy and want to stay that way.  So we are learning that this is a time Of coming home to the idea of home and appreciating it. Our homes are our place in the world. They are the spot where we belong. We all have work to do in our home. We have projects. We have books. We have crafts.  There are things to do and now there is time to do them. I hope you are reading this as a break from hooking your rug, or baking a cake, or putting away the dishes. I hope you are home, safe and cozy, and that there are flowers on your table.